VBsemi's VBMB165R18 is a single N-channel field effect transistor with a drain-source voltage of 650V, a gate-source voltage of 30V, and a threshold voltage of 3.5V. This product adopts planar technology and is packaged as TO220F.
Detailed parameter description:
- Drain-source voltage (VDS): 650V
- Gate-source voltage (VGS): ㊣30V
- Threshold voltage (Vth): 3.5V
- On-resistance (m次) at VGS=10V: 420(mΩ)
- Maximum drain current (ID): 18A
- Technology: Planar Technology
This product is suitable for the following areas and modules:
- Power management systems: Due to its high drain-source voltage and large drain current, it is suitable for power switching and regulation modules.
- Electric vehicles: Can be used in electric motor drives and battery management systems for electric vehicles, providing high efficiency and performance.
- Industrial automation: It can be used in fields such as industrial motor drives, frequency converters and UPS systems to provide reliable power conversion and control.
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